Get in touch
Investor enquiries
At Investment Fund Services, we are committed to making investing easy and accessible for all our investors. For all investor enquiries, please contact our dedicated Investor Support team who are available Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm (excluding UK bank holidays), as follows:
• Write to: Investment Fund Services, Marlborough House, 59 Chorley New Road, Bolton, BL1 4QP.
• Call: 0808 178 9321 or +44 1204 803 932 (if calling from overseas).
• Email:
• Fax: 01204 533045.
Supporting your needs
We have different ways in which we can communicate with you to support your needs and make investing with us easier.
Some of the services we can provide are listed below however, please contact us using the details above so we can discuss your options and provide the right level of support for you.
• Braille or large print communications and statements
• Audio transcribed communications
• Easy read communications
Find out how to get in touch
59 Chorley New Road,
Overseas: +44 1204 803 932
Dealing 0808 164 5458
Dealing fax 01204 533045
We always strive to deliver customer service to a high standard, but sometimes things go wrong. We take all complaints seriously and do our best to resolve them fairly and as quickly as we can.
How to complain
You can write to Investment Fund Services, Marlborough House, 59 Chorley New Road, Bolton, BL1 4QP
You can call: 0808 178 9321 or +44 1204 803 932 (if calling from overseas).
You can email:
We need to know what’s gone wrong and what you want us to do to put it right.
What we'll do to resolve your complaint
We will always strive to deal with your complaint fairly, effectively, and promptly. To enable us to do this we will.
▪ Get it to the right person to investigate.
▪ Resolve your complaint as soon as possible.
▪ We may ask you for further information to help us reach a decision.
▪ Give you regular updates.
We’ll acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days of receiving it. In some cases, we’ll have had time to consider the matter and see what has gone wrong. If so, we will give you our decision in this letter.
If we can’t reach a decision in time to include it in your acknowledgement letter, we’ll continue to investigate, to find out what’s gone wrong and what needs to be done to put things right.
No later than 4 weeks after we receive your complaint, we’ll contact you again. We would normally expect this to be our final decision. If we can’t give you the results of our investigation, we’ll explain why we’re not able to do so and tell you when we’ll next contact you.
Every effort will be made to resolve complaints within the first eight weeks. If the investigation is not complete within eight weeks, a further letter will be sent explaining that the firm is still not able to provide a final response. The letter will include an explanation of why the firm is not able to make a final response and an indication of when it expects to be able to provide one.
If the investigation is not complete within eight weeks of receipt, you may be able to refer the complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS).
What happens after my complaint is resolved?
We analyse each complaint received to record any errors that may have occurred. Our senior management team reviews this analysis monthly to improve the level of service that we provide. We report all complaints received to the Financial Conduct Authority twice a year.
If you’re not happy with our final decision
If you feel we’ve not considered all your issues or you can provide further information, please let us know and we’ll be happy to review the matter further.
If you’re not happy with the outcome, you can ask the Financial Ombudsman Service to carry out a review of your complaint within six months of our final response. The service is free and impartial and can help with most complaints if you’re a:
▪ Customer
▪ Business with fewer than 10 people and an annual turnover of less than €2 million
▪ Charity with an annual income of less than £6.5 million
▪ Trustee of a trust with a net asset value of less than £5 million
▪ Business with fewer than 50 people and an annual turnover of less than £6.5 million or a balance sheet total of less than £5 million.
You can write to the Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR
Email them at:
You can call: 0800 023 4567 or +44 207964 1000 from outside the UK.
Their website is found at
To view our Complaints Procedure in full click here